About Student Life

The Division of Student Life Mission

With a focus on students' holistic development, the Division of Student Life partners with students, staff, 和教师培养多样化和繁荣的社区. We provide support, mentorship, educational initiatives, 以及身份探索和领导力发展的机会,以促进学生的学业成功, well-being, 以及成为终身学习者,为公平社会做出贡献的能力.


Dr. John King                  
Vice President for Student Life


Dr. Derek Zuckerman              
Associate Vice President for Student Life
Dean of Students


Office of Student Life:
Center for Student Development Suite 100

What We Offer

学生生活不仅仅是在教室里发生的事情. Through our multiple offices and responsibilities, 学生生活部的工作人员提供各种各样的活动, 以及领导经验,为学生提供结识新朋友,探索他们的兴趣和激情的机会.

students looking at computer

Supporting Students of Concern or in Emergencies

We have staff on-call twenty-four hours a day, 一周七天,确保学生的安全. 如果你需要支持或关心学生的健康,了解与谁联系.

Supporting Students

image representing financial well being

Financial Well-being Resources

我们尽一切努力支持学生的财务福利-在既定的预算和现有资源范围内成功管理费用和满足短期和长期财务目标的能力. At times, 学生会遇到意想不到的情况或面临困难的情况,这些情况会影响他们的经济状况和学业成功.

Learn More

athletes on track

Athletics, Intramurals and Recreation 

在罗杰威廉姆斯大学,我们相信建立一个强大的心灵和健康的身体. 对于我们的学生来说,这意味着可以使用最先进的娱乐设施和一系列的乐趣, active intramural sports and activities.


group of people in commuter lounge


我们希望所有的学生都能感受到校园的联系和参与,即使他们是通勤者. Every athletic team, intramurals, clubs, and organizations are open to everyone, and with a dedicated commuter lounger, 通勤学生一定会让RWU成为一个家外之家.


student talking with faculty

Counseling Center 

了解更多网赌的十大网站的服务——从我们的健康项目, 关系和梦想到一对一的会议和匿名在线心理健康检查.

Counseling Center

students at dining table

Dining Services 

With food ranked top 5% in the country, Bon appsamit确保每个人都有自己的东西,包括斋月的特别晚餐, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Chinese New Year. Not only is the food great (and healthy), it’s local! 

Dining at RWU

students playing volleyball

Health Education Program


Health Education

center of student development

Health Services

罗杰威廉姆斯大学保健服务致力于提供保密, 以证据为基础的医疗保健,并与学生建立富有同情心和协作性的伙伴关系, families, and the campus community.

Health Services

2018 Orientation group picture


通过夏季迎新活动,欢迎大一新生加入RWU社区. 我们设计它是为了让我们的学生能够轻松地过渡到大学生活,并帮助他们与校园里的其他学生建立联系.


students working at computer

Public Safety and Transportation


Public Safety

Student moving in

Residence Life and Housing

When you live at Roger Williams University, you'll discover a safe, supportive, and fun community you'll be proud to call home.

Living at RWU

Chaplain giving night vigil

Spiritual Life


Spiritual Life

Students talking at table

Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution 

We support a safe, 健康和包容的校园社区有利于学习,学生诚实行事, integrity, civility and respect for themselves and others.

Student Conduct

Student and parent at open house

Student and Family Assistance 

When difficulties arise, the Office of Student & 家庭援助可以提供支持和帮助学生和家庭沟通缺勤, discuss medical leaves, and navigate the University experience.

Family Assistance

students at involvement fair

Student Programs and Leadership 

Student Programs & 领导人员为各种各样的学生俱乐部提供建议和支持, organizations, events, and leadership opportunities on campus.

Student Programs & Leadership

students walking for sexual violence awareness

Title IX Office (Sexual Misconduct)

网赌的十大网站社区明白,任何性暴力事件都会影响到整个社区, as such, is dedicated to educating and supporting students, staff, 和教职员工讨论所有第九条主题和问题.

Title IX