
As a Management major, 您将学习如何领导组织通过复杂的决策,如预算, negotiating, planning and directing. 因为这些决策在整个组织中具有广泛的影响, RWU的课程鼓励你思考多样性等动态, ethics and politics in the workplace. Combined with hands-on internship experience, 你将获得在人力资源领域取得成功的管理技能, purchasing, administrative services, health services, or your own entrepreneurial venture.

Success By The Numbers


Placement of 2022 Graduates


Top 5 % graphic

Highest Accreditation

GSB是AACSB国际认证的全球5%的商学院之一, 全球最大、最精英的商业教育联盟.

100% graphic

Real World Opportunities


Degree Requirements


要了解更多网赌的十大网站的学术课程,或查看完整的课程描述, please refer to our University Catalog.

Graduates Share Their Experiences

A headshot of Rosalvens Saint Jean“当我从海地搬到波士顿时,我不知道我会进入一所四年制大学,并在一家会计师事务所工作. I worked hard, took every opportunity in school, 大四的时候得到了一份全职工作. It was a dream come true.” 

Rosalvens Saint Jean '18 
Tax Associate at KLR in Boston, Mass. 
Majors: Accounting and Management
Read about Rosalvens Saint Jean

Headshot of Mikayla Pasco“Because I have both the liberal arts and business side, 我有那种将全新事物结合起来的交叉思维, 而这正是营销界所需要的,是一些新鲜的东西.”

Mikayla Pasco '18
Major: Management
Read about Mikayla Moore

A headshot of alumni Jim Kelley

Project Manager

Jim Kelley, RWU Class of 2016

At Roger Williams, learning about leadership can happen both in the classroom and around campus. Jim Kelley is already putting what he learned to good use.

Read full story

Earn a Risk Management Certificate

Certificate in Risk Management 是针对该领域几乎所有专业都存在的重要就业机会而由加贝利学院提供的. 你可以通过三门课程获得风险管理证书: 

  • Principles of Risk Management The exterior of the Gabelli School of Business building
  • Special Topics in Risk Modeling 
  • Seminar in Risk Management 

熟悉风险管理有助于专业人员识别, 在风险出现之前评估和处理各种风险,并减轻风险的发展. 组织通过雇用能够构建和实施专注于关键威胁的风险管理程序的合格专业人员而受益匪浅. 风险管理者不仅要学会管理风险,还要学会在考虑风险的情况下做出战略决策. 

Minor in Business Analytics 

The Business Analytics Minor 这门多学科辅修课程是为有兴趣从不同角度扩展数据分析知识的商业和非商业学生设计的吗. 学生将在现实世界的实践中学习基本的技术和统计/定量方法,包括数据生成, data analytics, data mining, data reporting, and storage between and across organizations. 所有学生都有机会通过在任何数据分析相关职位的实习来提高他们的技能.

Tailor Your Experience with our Accelerated Programs  


3 + 1 MBA 

Students, by accelerating their undergraduate work, 在三年内获得学士学位,并在大学第四年结束时获得MBA学位.

4 + 1 MBA

4 + 1选项的学生在四年内完成学士学位,并在大学第五年结束时完成MBA学位.

A business professor writing on a whiteboard. The accredited 3+1 or 4+1 Master of Business Administration programs allow students to earn both the B.S. and MBA degrees in just 4 or 5 years. Designed for GSB undergraduates, 这个项目提供了一个时间和成本效益的方式来获得你的MBA在0-1额外的一年,而不是传统的两年制MBA学位课程. 

3+3 Juris Doctor (J.D.) and Bachelor's Program

This accelerated 3+3 program 允许符合条件的学生完成学士学位和法学博士学位.D. degrees in six years instead of seven. 被录取的学生将在法学院学习第一年的课程以及法律选修课程,以满足本科第四年的要求.     

Undeclared Business

Are you interested in business, but not sure whether to focus on management, accounting, 经济学或加贝利学院提供的众多学科中的任何一门? Visit Undeclared Business 有关如何在做出决定之前探索各种选择的资源.

Explore Undeclared Business