Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics at RWU moves beyond theory, 使用数学和统计学来解决化学等领域的实际问题, environmental science and scientific computing. 小班授课,并有机会与教师共同撰写出版物, 我们的应用数学课程将为你成功的商业生涯奠定基础, engineering, health care, government and more.

应用数学专业为学生准备了各种各样的职业机会. 仅举几个例子,许多毕业生在银行和投资部门找到了工作, while others work for consulting, insurance, pharmaceutical, software and service companies; some of our students also go on to graduate or law school.

罗杰威廉姆斯大学从竞争中脱颖而出的几个因素. 首先,小班制意味着我们的教师会给予更多的个性化关注. 我们的学生作为数学导师和数学荣誉协会的成员参与校园活动. Unlike at other institutions, 我们有才华的学生可以与我们的教师共同撰写数学出版物. In fact, 我们的学生目前正在研究赝球的亥姆霍兹方程的数值解, 《网赌的十大网站》以及对爱因斯坦-格罗斯曼合作的一些推测.

Degree Requirements

Emma Dehetre '22, an Engineering and Applied Mathematics major, 在RWU的2021年学生学术展示和荣誉活动上展示了她的海报“COVID-19大流行沃尔泰拉积分方程模型”.

要了解更多网赌的十大网站的学术课程,或查看完整的课程描述, please refer to our University Catalog.

Student Learning Outcomes


  • 数学推理和学习应用数学研究的不同领域,以及至少其中一些是如何应用于不同领域的
  • Read applied mathematical texts and articles with understanding
  • Solve interdisciplinary problems using applied mathematical tools
  • 成功地运用适当的技术解决涉及矩阵系统的大规模数学模型, 微分方程或积分方程,并通过优化技术解决大规模问题
  • 分析问题,并从他们的曲目中选择正确的技术来解决问题, graphically, numerically and algebraically
  • 对应用数学算法所适用的实际情况进行推论和归纳

如果你想了解更多关于应用数学的有用之处,请看看 SIAM's career brochure, or go to the career pages of AMS, MAA and SIAM.

Headshot of Abigail

A World of Mathematical Possibilities

Abigail Small, RWU Class of 2020
Applied Mathematics + Computer Science

After dabbling in general math coursework, 阿比盖尔·斯莫尔发现了对应用数学对现实世界影响的热情. 她正在深入研究复杂的计算数学,研究帕金森病的神经刺激治疗的神秘原理.

Read full story

Research Projects

  • “The Libra Astronomica and Its Mathematics"
  • "Detecting Underwater Objects through Scattering Theory; the Wiener-Hopf Integral Equation"
  • 评估tDCS治疗创伤后应激障碍疗效的数学方法
  • “Fixed Points in Affine Cipher”
  • “The Foundations of General Relativity & Some Speculations on Einstein-Grossman Collaboration”
  • 用改进伽辽金法求解双凹盘(“血细胞”)的亥姆霍兹方程:火星计划
Joshua Abston '21, an Applied Mathematics major, 在RWU的2021学生学术展示和荣誉活动上展示了他的海报“由于电刺激治疗的离子传输和门控的计算研究”.


(partial list)

  • AT&T
  • Boston Medical College
  • Raytheon
  • National Institute of Health (NIH)
  • Fram Corporation
  • HBO Company

Graduate Study

(partial list)

  • Brown University
  • Dartmouth College
  • Harvard University
  • Tufts
  • Cornell University
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Boston College
  • SUNY - Albany
  • UMASS Amherst
  • UNC Chapel Hill

RISE STEM Scholarship at RWU

Students listen to classroom lecture.RWU为有兴趣主修数学的学生提供奖学金机会, sciences, engineering, computer science or forensic science. Learn about the National Science Foundation RISE Scholars program, which recognizes, 支持和授权一群有经济需要的学术才华的学生,因为他们准备进入科学与工程研究和工业(RISE).

Learn About RISE Scholars

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