
网赌的十大网站是RWU教育测试中心的所在地, where you can take exams for certifications or to earn college credit for your knowledge base.

At the RWU 教育考试中心 you can take exams from key national vendors such as PearsonVue, Certiport, CLEP和Prometric. 我们也是被认可的noteci教师考试的区域测试中心.

The 教育考试中心 Reservation Portal is open and testing candidates are able to reserve seats. 座位可于周一至周五上午9点预订.m. 到下午4点.m.

夏天的时间:教育考试中心的正常办公时间:  周一至周四上午9点.m. 到下午4点.m. 整个夏天.  从5月24日开始,该中心将于每周五上午9点开放.m. 至下午1时.m. until July 5, 2024 and will be closed on the following Fridays: July 12, 19, 26 and August 2 and 9.


The RWU 教育考试中心 supports Teachers Testing only for NOCTI.  NOCTI’s teacher assessments are designed to measure an individual’s knowledge of higher-level concepts, 理论, and applications in specific technical areas and to evaluate individuals with a combination of education, 培训, 工作经验. NOCTI works with Area Test Center (ATC) Coordinators to help create a program that includes 培训 materials for coordinators, 监考, 和评估. 拥有50多个技术领域, NOCTI offers a variety of tools and resources for CTE teacher candidates.

了解更多关于 RWU的职业生涯 & 技术教育教师认证(CTE)计划.

Please contact the RWU 网赌的十大网站 administrative team to register and pay for a test and to reserve your seat in the Education Testing Center.  我们的电话是401-254-3530或者 RWUtestingcenter@mykhtrade.com.

皮尔森VUE 是专业计算机测试的全球领导者吗. 每两秒钟, 皮尔逊VUE考试在世界的某个地方进行, 每年, 培生VUE每年提供1400万次考试,在180个国家开设了5000个考试中心.


Test candidates can schedule and pay for an exam directly with PearsonVue by telephone or by setting up an account on the PearsonVue网站. 然而, the registration isn't finalized until a seat reservation is completed at the RWU 教育考试中心. 在RWU教育考试中心预订您的座位 如果您已经在PearsonVue安排了您的考试.


在报名参加皮尔森VUE测试之前, 你必须购买代金券, as the RWU 教育考试中心 only accepts vouchers as payment for the tests. 参观 PearsonVue商店 购买代金券.

一旦你购买了代金券, please contact the RWU 教育考试中心 directly to register for a test. 请致电401-254-3530或发电子邮件至RWUtestingcenter@mykhtrade.com. 预订座位.

CLEP 提供34种考试,涵盖入门级大学课程材料. With a passing score on one CLEP exam, you could earn three or more college credits at 2,900 U.S. 大专院校.


在RWU教育考试中心预订您的座位 支付你的排期费(30美元+信用卡处理费).

了解更多关于RWU的信息 先前学习评估计划.

Prometric公司——DSST is a leading provider of technology-enabled testing and assessment solutions to many of the world’s most recognized licensing and certification organizations, 学术机构, 以及政府机构. 


考试不需要预付费/预注册. Candidates pay the test fee by credit card at the workstation at the time of testing. 

在RWU教育考试中心预订您的座位 支付你的排期费(30美元+信用卡处理费).

The RWU 教育考试中心 only offers Microsoft Office Specialist certification through Certiport. Certiport是Pearson旗下的VUE业务, established in 1997 and is now the leading provider of certification exam development, 交付, 项目管理服务.  证书考试通过一个超过14个的庞大网络提供,在全球范围内拥有5000家认证认证测试中心.

Roger Williams University has an inventory of licenses for 培训 and taking exams. 购买代金券.

在RWU教育考试中心预订您的座位 to take the exam 支付你的排期费(30美元+信用卡处理费).

RWU教育考试中心监考RWU挑战考试. 请安排考试时间,并在网上支付30美元的座位费 预订门户.

Welcome and thank you for utilizing the RWU 教育考试中心. 这份文件提供了你找到我们所需的所有信息, parking location plus Guidelines and Student Responsibilities for the Testing Center.

罗杰威廉姆斯网赌的十大网站位于帝国广场1号, Providence RI 02903 which is located in the heart of downtown Providence, 罗德岛州的首府, 我们的校园提供现代化的教室, 智能白板上技术, 还有几个休息室供学习和放松. 测试中心位于218室.
You may park on the street or use Civic Center Garage located at 165 Washington St, 普罗维登斯RI 02905.


参加考试的考生有一定的责任. 他们的行为不得影响考场内的其他考生.
•    Store all personal items in a provided secured area or keep outside Test Center, 比如候选人的车辆.
•除非考试主办方另有说明, candidates must answer the exam questions without the help of reference materials or other people. Candidates are forbidden from writing or otherwise recording questions and removing them from the test center.
•    You will be admitted into the test room and assigned a testing station with a computer, 鼠标, 和键盘. 考点监考员会帮你登录考点, 这样你就可以开始考试了.
•    Breaks are permitted during the exam; however, the exam will not be stopped during the break and the exam time will continue the count-down and cannot be made up.


Store all personal items in a provided secured area or keep outside Test Center, 比如候选人的车辆. 如果您无法在车内存放物品, a secure area will be provided to store any belongings that are not permitted into the Testing Center. The items listed below are the only items that are permitted into the Testing Center.
•    ID


•未经授权的个人物品不得带入考场. 这些项目包括, 但不仅限于:外套, 帽子, 食物, 饮料, 钱包, 公文包, 笔记本电脑, 学习材料, 手表, 手机, 任何种类的电子设备, 或者可穿戴技术.
•书面笔记, 严禁出版资料及其他检测辅助工具, 除非你的考试主办方允许. Test center staff will refer to the applicable Client Practices for allowances.
•    All materials issued by the testing center must be returned to the conclusion of testing. Used scratch paper must be returned before new scratch paper will be issued by the testing center administrator during your exam
•在考场与其他考生交谈, 提到他们的屏幕, 严禁携带测试材料或书面笔记.


•删除, 或者试图移除, test questions and/or responses (in any format) or notes about the test from the testing room.
•    Attempting to remove scratch paper or note boards from the testing center.
•    Tampering with the operation of the computer or attempting to use it for any function other than taking the test.


The 教育考试中心 is located at One Empire St, Room 218, Providence, RI 02903. 我们的工作时间是早上9点.m. 到下午4点.m. Monday-Friday. 我们在所有RWU假期都关门. 

Questions regarding the 教育考试中心 may be answered by our administrative team Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. 到5点.m. 电话401-254-3530或电子邮件 RWU检测中心.