
我们的教室位于新英格兰南部海岸充满活力、欣欣向荣的海洋环境中. Summer Marine Program students will learn about coastal ecosystems, 食物网, 海洋生产力, 沿海地区的动植物, current events in marine biology and much more.


该项目包括住宿, 餐, 指令, 材料, 实验室的使用, 设备和实地考察.
Field excursions unlock the excitement and fun of marine biology:

  • Learn oceanographic sampling techniques
  • 乘坐海上皮艇探索海湾生态系统
  • Snorkel along barrier beaches and 潮池s
  • View whales during a boat trip off Cape Cod
  • 识别海洋生物
  • Daily opportunity to be in or on the water

实地考察辅以具有挑战性的实验室演示和实验. 典型的主题包括:

  • 浮游生物采样
  • 贝类和鱼类生物学
  • 生产力研究

知名专家将就海洋生物学的最新主题发表客座讲座. 以前的演讲包括:

  • 海洋哺乳动物保护
  • 外来入侵物种
  • 过度捕捞
  • 有毒浮游生物大量繁殖
  • 水产养殖

Eligibility and Application Procedures

欢迎15-17岁对水生科学感兴趣的高中生申请该项目. Each session is led by one 教师 Director, 两名营区主任, and three Resident Assistants that reside in the dorms with the participants. Lectures and other activities are led by our excellent 教师. 这个项目的费用是1美元,400, 包括住宿, 餐, 指令, 材料, 实验室的使用, 设备和实地考察.

A $200 deposit is due with the application; full payment is due by June 1, 2024.


Please note that we recommend Covid-19 vaccination for camp participation. 健康表格目前正在更新,一旦可用,将通过电子邮件发送给注册人.


Session I: Sunday, 14 July to Saturday, 20 July
Session II: Sunday, 21 July to Saturday, 27 July
Session II: Sunday, 28 July to Saturday, 3 August


罗德岛海岸是海洋科学教育的绝佳地点. 在很短的乘船或开车路程内,可能是岩石潮间带的最好例子, 潮池, salt pond and barrier beach habitats on the US east coast.

夏季海洋生物学实地研究计划使用海洋与自然科学大楼最先进的教学和研究设施. Students will conduct laboratory studies in a modern 3000 sq. ft. 有流动海水的潮湿实验室. A Learning Platform that extends 200 ft. 到太. Hope Bay supports many other program activities. 研究 vessels are available for field explorations and sampling.

夏季实地项目的学生居住,双人入住,在当代,水边的宿舍. Meals are served in our modern, campus dining center. 娱乐 facilities are available for after-hours relaxation.


Individual attention from RWU faculty and staff are a hallmark of our program. 每学期网赌的十大网站人数限制为18人,确保每个学生都能充分挑战.

现任罗杰威廉姆斯大学海洋生物学优秀学生担任驻校工作人员. Students are supervised 24 hours per day.


的风景, 140 acre waterfront campus is located in the historic seaport town of Bristol, 罗德岛州. 罗杰威廉姆斯大学提供广泛的文科专业,包括海洋生物学和建筑专业课程, 业务, 教育, 工程, 保护历史古迹, 司法研究与法律.

体育选项, 众多的俱乐部和组织, 社区丰富的机会增强了来自全国各地和世界各地的学生来大学探索的经历, 学习和成功.

如有疑问,请联系Dr. 蒂莫西·斯科特: tscott@mykhtrade.com; (401) 254-3563.


i. Who SHOULD apply to 海洋生物营?
This camp is an excellent fit for curious students that enjoy science, those who may be interested in studying marine science in college, and students who enjoy being in and on the water and discovering what’s in it. RWU的海洋生物夏令营是一个引人入胜的体验,旨在让高中生接触到RI及其周围的丰富多样的海洋生物, 通过学习海洋学和海洋生物学的标准采样和观测方法. 学生将参加与RWU海洋生物学专业一年级学生学习活动类似的实地和实验室活动. 在大多数日子里, 上午和下午有实地和/或实验室活动(休息吃饭), which are followed by guest lectures from RWU's expert marine scientists.

ii. Who SHOULD NOT apply to 海洋生物营?
这个夏令营不适合那些在水周围感到不安或对科学没有真正兴趣的学生, 或者更具体地说,是海洋生物学.

Please note campers sometimes report that, “My parents made me do this.对那些学生来说, 海洋生物学 camp rarely resonates in the ways that parents might be hoping. Please consider the interest of your child before signing them up for this camp; if they are not interested, please refrain from taking the space of another camper with genuine interest, 并创造了一个本可避免的挑战环境,影响了其他营员的体验.

If you have questions or your child is uncertain, 请和Brian Wysor谈谈, 教师 Director and Chair of the Department of Biology, 海洋生物学 & 环境科学@ RWU (bwysor@mykhtrade.com; 401-254-3014) because this camp is a great way to evaluate interests in the field of marine biology, 当然,我们希望它能激励学生们去追求他们的激情和好奇心.

3. Can you help my camper get to RWU from the airport?
No. RWU不提供往返机场的交通支持,也不能在他们注册的营地的特定日期之外为学生提供住宿. Note, most parents/guardians drop off their camper themselves.

iv. Are international students eligible to participate?
RWU does not restrict this experience to American Citizens, 但我们认识到,协调国际参与者的旅行比协调驾车抵达的参与者要复杂得多. RWU不提供往返机场的交通支持,也不能在他们注册的营地的特定日期之外为学生提供住宿. RWU海洋生物学项目只在夏令营期间支持营员,而不是在夏令营开始前或正式结束后的任何时间, 欢迎你的申请.

v. What happens if a camper tests positive for COVID?
我们对COVID可能影响营地体验的可能性持现实态度,同时我们有信心能够提供安全和充实的体验, 我们将对因COVID或其他健康和安全问题而导致的变化保持透明. RWU COVID政策

Need transportation for your student from/to airport? 以下是一些当地的汽车服务.

Fairview运输公司- 401-338-6968
东湾运输- 401-787-1289
随时随地- 401-527-3530