Cummings School of Architecture 特殊的程序

In addition to exceptional programs and outstanding facilities, the Cummings School of Architecture has a variety of special programs that benefit our students-- from hands-on experiences and global perspectives to leadership and internship opportunities.

项目 designed to increase the reach of the Cummings School of Architecture:

  • 职业投资计划 — provides financing for undergraduate and graduate student assistantships on-campus and professional internships off-campus with firms, 组织和政府.
  • 出国留学 — undergraduate and graduate coursework around the world with our Global Partners in South America, 欧洲, 非洲, 中东和亚洲.
  • 夏季学院 — scholarship-supported discovery programs in Architecture on the Bristol Campus.
  • 夏天的计划 — undergraduate and graduate coursework for RWU and other students in Bristol and abroad.

项目 designed to develop student leadership through mentorship and collegial engagement within and beyond the university, including recognition programs confirming student achievement:

  • 学生领导 — includes involvement in governance, mentoring programs and activities with incoming and current students and alumni.
  • 研究生助教奖学金— providing mentoring relationships between faculty and graduate students in merit-based appointments advancing teaching as well as scholarly, professional and creative activities across the school.
  • 实习  placements in local, national and international firms and organizations.
  • 奖学金及奖项  annual donor supported school and national scholarships and recognitions in all programs and levels of the school.