


kmarriott@mykhtrade.comSE 128


Ph.D. 化学,西印度群岛大学,牙买加

作为一名科学家和教育家. 万豪已经指示, 担任首席研究员(PI)和首席研究员, 各种各样的NSF, 国家卫生研究院, NASA和国防部资助的项目. 在她到达网赌的十大网站之前, she served as the founding program coordinator for the Forensic 科学 program at Savannah State University (SSU) 2011-2021, 同时也是化学和法医科学系的临时主席. 她也是the Visual的创始董事, Immersive 和 Tangible Applications in Learning (VITAL) STEM imaging exploration center established at her previous institution. She was recently credited for using Virtual Reality (VR) as a tool to shift the forensic science educational paradigm 和 raise the 培训 bar to new heights (高等教育中的虚拟现实:数字化教学 《网赌的十大网站》作者:Darrel W. 国家,2021).

Dr. 马里奥特获得了博士学位.D. 2001年获得牙买加西印度群岛大学(莫纳校区)化学学士学位. 在攻读博士学位之前.D. 在化学, she worked as a forensic officer in the biology department of the Government of Jamaica Forensic 科学 Laboratory. In 2002 she joined Clemson University as a postdoctoral research fellow in Professor John W. 霍夫曼的药物化学团队,在那里她进行了大麻素化学的研究. 在克莱姆森大学期间, she was engaged in the synthesis of selective lig和s for the peripheral (CB2) cannabinoid receptor, 以及吲哚类大麻素的合成. Her current ongoing biomedical research goals focus on development of therapeutic agents applicable to immune 和 neurodegenerative disorders 和 related pathologies.

  作为一名忠诚的教育家. 万豪酒店在SSU设立了法医学理学学士学位课程. program was approved by the USG in March 2011 和 implemented in Fall 2011 with an initial招生的 6 学生,和,已经成长为 117 截至2020年秋季的学生. Savannah State University is one of only two institutions in the University System of Georgia (USG) to offer an undergraduate degree in forensic science 和 the only one with concentrations in chemistry 和 biology.

  被公认为美国政府的杰出项目. 万豪酒店’s leadership the forensic science program at SSU actively engaged in immersive integrative student-centered research. 2016年秋天,Dr. 万豪酒店已建成成立 首先,为本科生提供独一无二的3d虚拟现实犯罪现场培训设施. She was selected as a state of Georgia Governor’s Teaching Fellow (GTF) in 2015 to improve the quality of instruction offered at colleges 和 universities in the state of Georgia by moving faculty members to the leading edge of instructional practice. 2019年,她获得了Operation One STEM at a Time颁发的社区变革代理人奖.

  2013年1月入选《网赌的十大网站》, 作为12名新兴学者之一. 从那时起, she has collaborated on NASA research that was launched into Space on the Space-X 3 Falcon 9 Rocket’s Dragon Capsule, 最终将于2014年与美国宇航局国际空间站(ISS)对接. 在这个太空舱里, the mission included the NASA University 研究- 1 (UR-1) team’s groundbreaking student-based research, focused on the development of benzofuran carboxylic acid derivatives designed for immune system augmentation, 恢复免疫细胞功能和抑制癌症的发生和生长.

  Her research involving the synthesis 和 characterization of novel molecules for use as medicinal agents to treat addiction (国家卫生研究院/NIDA, R03) resulted in exciting interdisciplinary research findings relevant to cholesterol metabolism 和 neurodegenerative disorders. 在1月. 2017年她是获得化学专利 for the synthesis of compounds with pharmaceutical potential for neurodegenerative disorders, 包括老年痴呆症, 帕金森氏症和卢伽雷氏症. She was awarded the inaugural President’s 教师 Award for Innovation 和 Excellence at SSU in 2017, 和 in 2019 she received a Paul Harris Fellowship from the Sunrise Rotary of Savannah for her research in Alzheimer’s.

  Dr. 万豪酒店 is a self-taught freeh和 naturalist painter; medium acrylic, oil 和 mixed media on canvas. Her first exhibit “Dancing with Nature: Being Human” was displayed in the Fine 艺术s Gallery on SSU campus. 在SSU期间,她在萨凡纳社区非常活跃,并担任2018年的学生 TEDxSavannah议长.


2009      Certificate of Achievement in Honor of Outst和ing Contribution to 教育- 的 Big Read- National Endowment for the 艺术s




2017 *特别表彰“表彰Karla-Sue万豪”,国会记录卷. 163, 第15期(1月30日, 2017), 页码范围为H709-709, 第115届国会第一次会议, 国会议员Earl L. “伙伴”卡特.

2019          USG Board of Regents Spotlight Presentation “Forensic Facial Reconstruction”

2019年总统领导 & SSU服务奖

2019 2019社区变革代理人,Operation One STEM at a Time, Savannah, GA

2019           Paul Harris Fellowship for Alzheimer’s 研究, Sunrise Rotary of Savannah, GA


  1. 1. Benzofuran Compounds, Composition, Kits 和/or Methods; publication number: US20150133498 A1, publication type: application; application number: US 14/448,138; publication date: May, 2015; filing date: July, 2014; inventor: Karla-Sue C. 万豪酒店; original assignee: Savannah State University. Acceptance: September 2016; Issued: January 3rd, 2017.


  1. 安妮·卡茨和卡拉苏C. 万豪酒店,“综合STEM 国家卫生研究院资助:设计”公平的课程与本科科学专业和Spark合作连接“卷. 42, No. 4, 2020;http://library.性别.org/journals/elq/issues/v42-4
  2.  万豪、钴. C.克拉克,E.B, 法医面部重建:科学的整合艺术,《网赌的十大网站》电子书6月26日接受 2019.
  3. A. ,转向开始涉足 K. 万豪酒店, J. 毛,年代. Bhuiyan和P. Denkins, 影响of苯并呋喃-2-羧酸衍生物的免疫抑制对策,微重力科学&技术,11月24日, 2014.
  4. 万豪,K.-S. C.莫里森,A.Z; Moore, M.; Olubajo, O. 斯图尔特,L。., Synthesis of N-phenyl-N-(3-(piperidin-1-yl)propyl)benzofuran-2-carboxamides as new selective lig和s for sigma receptors, 生物有机的 & 药物化学, 2012, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0968089612007651?通过% 3 dihub9月19日接受 2012.
  5. 万豪,K.-S. C., M. 普拉萨德,萨普利亚尔,V和博斯,H.S., Sigma-1 Receptor at the Mitochondrial Associated ER-Membrane is Responsible for Mitochondrial Metabolic Regulation, 杂志of药理学实验治疗(JPET). doi: 10.1124 / jpet.112.198168, 2012年8月23日 2012.
  6. 万豪,K.-S.C.Bartee, R.莫里森,A. Z.斯图尔特,L。. 威斯比,J., Expedited Synthesis of Benzofuran-2-Carboxylic Acids via Microwave-Assisted Perkin Rearrangement Reaction, 四面体, 2012, 53(26): 3319-3321, DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2012.04.075.
  7. ​​​​​​​万豪,K.C. 霍夫曼,J.W., 近年来选择性的发展进展大麻素CB2受体的配体, 药物化学的最新主题, 2008, 8, 187-204. (请作者)
  8. 万豪,K.C; Huffman, J.W.; Wiley, J.L.; Martin, B.R., Synthesis 和 药理学 of 11-nor-1-methoxy-9-hydroxyhexahydrocannabinols 和 11-nor-1-deoxy-9- hydroxyhexahydrocannabinols: New selective lig和s for the cannabinoid CB2 receptor. Bioorg.地中海.化学. 2006, 14, 2386-2397